New lectures can be designed based on needs assessment
This lecture educates about the social responsibilities of a citizen in unusual times like that of the current pandemic that will help us maintain our sanity while we wait for the healthcare professionals to handle it at their level.
Immigration leads to cultural transition. The old norms become obsolete and new norms have not yet been absorbed. This along with no extended family around can be a challenge for the immigrant families. This lecture is a presentation of first hand immigrant experiences and their sociological explanation.
All teenage children go through an identity crisis. When they see themselves as adults, but the society does not. This conflict can be a lot deeper for immigrant children who have added pressures of acculturation in a new society. This lecture explores and analyses these issues in a sociological perspective.
Parenting can be a demanding task for all parents. Immigrant parents have additional challenges. This lecture taps into the details of these challenges from the insider’s perspective and then analyses them in a sociological perspective.
This lecture discusses different patterns of mainstreaming and integration into the American society in the past, present and future, ranging from melting pot to salad bowl and then from multiculturalism to global citizenship.
Financial hardships due to job loss or stock market crash can also be a blow to the marital stability in a family. This lecture talks about how to handle financial crisis effectively without damaging family stability.
This lecture highlights the changing trends of employment in the current labor market and its impact on blue-collar workers’ families.
Family today is going through changes that challenge the basic characteristics of this institution such as heterosexuality, patriarchy, division of labor and stability. This lecture presents an in-depth analysis of this change in today’s American society.
This lecture discusses an impact of missing fathers on the lives of young children who are growing up in families with single mothers.
This lecture is designed to address some exceptional challenges of first generation African American college goers. This lecture is like a pep talk for them to believe in themselves and self -navigate to their goals.
This lecture is a sociological analysis of the current trends of change in the socio-economic and political scenarios of Indian society and the concept of Indian citizenship.
This lecture addresses some basic issues of a culture sensitivity in diverse work environment that includes race, religion and ethnic groups.
Families are institutions created to perform under their respective cultural guidelines. This lecture helps you to understand families with varied cultural background in their own cultural perspective, non-judgmentally.
This lecture highlights the issues of acculturation and biculturalism adopted by immigrant groups in America. It presents the challenges an immigrant community faces in a new society and the adjustments it makes to successfully meet those challenges.
As the world evolves into a global village, our pool of labor evolves from being local to global. This lecture introduces us to the changing demands of American labor market and the response needed from our education system to successfully create a matching pool of labor.
Immigration and the pressure to successfully mainstream in the new society while responding to the demands of competitive work environment, put immigrant families under tremendous stress. This lecture analyses the factors of stability and change among immigrant families that came into U.S. after 1995
This lecture highlights the benefits of building bridges through tolerance and acceptance of diversity in times of growing interconnectedness and interdependence of societies.
This lecture talks about the changing concept of patriotism and global citizenship due to mobility and interconnectedness.
Women are actual custodians of any culture, which they retain or give-up in the form of dress, jewelry, Customs, traditions and social expectations from them. This lecture highlights distinct differences and similarities among women from different cultures on the basis of race, religion ethnicity and class.
Cost of Services
On site presentation $500/- Plus Milage
Remote presentation on Zoom $400/-